Download and donate

If you like the song download it, spread the word. For many Christmas is a joyous time but for some, it is a time of anxiety, stress, sadness, loss and grief. Simply by purchasing this song you will not only have a great tune in your library but the money will go toward helping children that are facing some tough times.

I have created something that I hope will bring a smidgen of happiness with its overtly chintzy Christmas bells and repetitive hooks. If you enjoy it – if it made you smile that has to be worth something right. So I’m asking you to make a small donation to either or both of the charities.

iTunes and Apple Music

If you would like purchase the song from iTunes or via Apple Music, simple use the links below.

Purchase from iTunes
Purchase from Apple Music

Play via Spotify
Purchase from Amazon

The links to donate are below. For Christopher’s Smile you can also text a donation from your mobile!

Thank you for Listening.

Have a fab Christmas


Ways to donate to Christopher’s Smile


vmg logo

Click on the above image to make a donation to Christopher’s Smile using Virgin moneygiving

 Virgin moneygiving is a fundraising portal from Virgin.  Simply click on the image above to make a donation to Christopher’s Smile using your debit or credit card.

Below is a sample of the song that you can listen to in full on Spotify as well as on iTunes